Welcome to my Website!

I like Fuse with Perl

I am enjoying my time mounting my site with Fuse and then opening '/index.html' with Vim.

I've decided to create this page for the sole purpose of teaching myself how to use Fuse and what I should expect from it as a programmer. It is shockingly easy to write a virtual filesystem with it; even one that doesn't need to poke neocities all the time.

The Perl Fuse Module (can be found on metacpan) has examples, namely example.pl that I shamelessly copied from and expanded upon.

Yes, this page, and the related pages were all opened with Vim and saved with Vim. No 'file uploading' or anything like that. (Well there is uploading behind the scenes using the API... But who cares about that?)

Filler text

Nice, a banner!